
Stop Doing Things For Other People

Hear me out- stop doing things for other people at the expense of your own personal health or fitness.

If you’re working out to gain acceptance from others, it will never come. If you’re doing anything in life in order to achieve the approval of others, it will never come. There will always be people out there who’ll look at you and say it isn’t enough. Don’t work out for others, don’t read for others, don’t get an education for others. Stop. You can’t look at happiness or approval as something you can accomplish. It isn’t and you can’t.

Happiness isn’t something that one day will just be there after doing one thing or another. Happiness is a method of travel. It is a mindset that you implement into your life. It’s an attitude and a way of looking at things.

The world will never approve- not all of it at least. So don’t let that stop you. Imagine if Picasso stopped because someone said they didn’t like his painting, or Da Vinci stopped inventing because of a failed design.

You’re going to fail. People may laugh as you face obstacles in the world. But the thing is, it’s easy to laugh from the sidelines. The people that matter? They’re the ones in the heat of battle with you. They’re the ones helping you move past those obstacles, lending a hand, and going through it themselves. Remove the negativity from your life. And if you can’t remove it, work to ignore it.

At the end of the day, you’re doing this for a reason. You started for a reason. You wanted it, For. A. Reason. And when you feel like stopping, just remember, the person you are now, is the person you once dreamed of being. Don’t forget that.

Don’t quit due to slow progress. Slow progress, is progress.

Do what you love and don’t look back. The world has too many realists- be a dreamer.

Christian Davis | Divine Fitness

Founder & Head Coach


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