
Motivation for this New Year.

Came upon this, thought I’d share. “I ran into a friend of mine at the track once. We decided to have a friendly race.. One mile. Starting off, he pulled just ahead of me. I thought I would close the distance and pass him after a short bit, but could never quite do it. The whole last lap my body was on fire, and I was pushing it as hard as i could. He crossed the line 10 meters ahead of me. He didn’t even look winded, just a dead-set look in his eyes. Afterwards, I asked him how he ran that fast, and he told me that it is all in the motivation you light in your mind.. Imagining your own world and blotting out everything else.
So, I asked, “what do you imagine?”
He replied, “what do you?”
I told him that to run faster, I like to imagine that I am being chased by a wolf.
He smiles and say, “in my mind, I am the one that is chasing the wolf.”
That was the day that I started to understand.”
Mindset people. Mindset is everything. If you believe yourself to fail, you will every time. Believe you are worthy of that in which you desire. “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.” – Gandhi

It all starts with your beliefs. Believe you can, and you shall. But you must attack your beliefs whole-heartedly. You have to commit. 100%. You have to go after it, try, and fail. And continue, trying, and failing, and trying again.

What’s your dream worth to you? Reevaluate your priorities if you’re not where you want to be. Truly, honestly, look at your life. Analyze it. Dissect it. What Are Your True Priorities? Your dream must mean more than anything to you. You have to want it. You have to sacrifice for it, and in the end. You will get there. Don’t say you don’t have time, if you don’t have time, it simply isn’t a priority. Make Time. Create Results.

-Christian Davis

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